Wednesday 19 April 2017

1. act up (no object): misbehave(दुर्व्यवहार)-(व्यक्तियों के लिए) ; not work properly(सही से कामकरना (मशीन के लिए).

Example 1→ “The babysitter had a difficult time. The children acted up all evening.”

Example 2→ “I guess I’d better take my car to the garage. It’s been acting up lately.”

2. a
ct like (inseparable): behave in a way that’s like __________. (एक तरह से व्यवहार करते हैं जो _____ के समान है.

Example 1→  “What’s wrong with Bob? He’s acting like an idiot.”

Note: This phrasal verb is very informal.

3. add up (1. No object): logically fit together(तार्किक रूप से एक साथ फिट हैं).

Example 1→ “His theory is hard to believe, but his research adds up.”

Note: This phrasal verb is often negative.

Example 2→ “His theory seems, at first, to be plausible, but the facts in his research don’t add up.”

4. add up (2. Separable): find the total.(कुल ज्ञात करना)

Example 1→ “What’s the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?”

5. add up to (inseparable): to total.(कुल मिलाकर)

Example 1→ “The bills add up to Rs. 734.96. That’s more than I expected!”

6. ask out (separable): ask for a date.(तरीक के लिए बोलना)

Example 1→ “Nina has a new boy friend. James asked her out last night.”

7. back down (no object): not follow a threat.(खतरे का पालनकरें)

Example 1→ “Timmy was going to call the police when I told him I’d wrecked his car, but he backed down when I said I’d pay for the damages.”

8. back up (1. no object): move backward; move in reverse.पीछे की ओर जाना, रिवर्स में जाना.

Example 1→ “You missed the lines in the parking space. You’ll have to back up and try again.”

Example 2→ “The people waiting in line are too close to the door. We won’t be able to open it unless they back up.”

9. back up (2. separable): drive a vehicle backwards एक वाहन पीछे की ओर ले जाना (रिवर्स में).

Example 1→ “You’re too close! Back your car up so I can open the garage door.”

10. back up (3. separable): एक कहानी की पुष्टि करना, तथ्य, या जानकारी.

Example 1→ “If you don’t believe me, talk to Dave. He’ll back me up.”

11. back up (4. separable): make a “protection” copy to use if there are problems with the original (यदि मूल के साथ समस्याएं हैं तो इसका उपयोग करने के लिए एक "सुरक्षा" प्रति बनाना)

Example 1→ “When my computer crashed, I lost many of my files. It’s a good thing I backed them up.”

12. beg off (no object): decline an invitation(न्योता अस्वीकार करना); कुछ कार्य को करने से पीछे हटना.

Example 1→ “At first Lily said she would be at the party. Later she begged off.”

13. blow up (1. separable): inflate.(फुलाना)

Example 1→ “We need lots of balloons for the party. Will you blow them up?”

blow up (2. separable): explode(विस्फोट); destroy by exploding(विस्फोट से नष्ट करना).

Example 1→ “That old building really came down quickly!”

Example 2→ “That’s because the construction company used dynamite to blow it up.”

14. blow up (3. no object): अचानक बहुत गुस्सा होना.

Example 1→ “When I told Jerry that I’d had an accident with his car, he blew up.”

15. bone up on (inseparable): थोड़े समय के लिए अच्छी तरह से समीक्षा / अध्ययन करना.

Example 1→ “If you’re going to travel to Peru, you’d better bone up on your Spanish.”

16. break down (1. separable): घटक को कुछ भागों में अलग-अलग करना.

Example 1→ “We spent a lot of money at the supermarket. When we broke the total cost down, we spent more on cleaning supplies than food.”

break down (2. no object): कामकरना. “Sharon will be late for work today. Her car broke down on the freeway.”

17. break in (1. Often no object; with an object, break into – inseparable): बल का प्रयोग करके प्रवेश करना (और ताला तोडना, खिड़की तोडना अदि,)

Example 1→ “Jane’s apartment was burglarized last night. Someone broke in while Jane was at the movies.”

Example 2→ “Somebody broke into Jane’s apartment while she was at the movies.

18. break in (2. separable): जब कोई नई वस्तु आरामदायक है.

Example 1→ “These are nice shoes, but they’re too stiff. I hope it doesn’t take too long to break them in.”

Q19. break in (3. separable): प्रशिक्षण; किसी को कोई नया रूटीन सिखाना.

Example 1→ “I hope I can learn my new job quickly. The manager hasn’t scheduled much time for breaking me in.”

20. break up (1. no object): फैलाना, तितर बितर.

Example 1→ “What time did the party break up last night?”

21. break up (2. Usually no object; with an object, break up with [inseparable]):व्यक्तिगत संबंध समाप्त करना.

Example 1→ “Tim and Julie aren’t going steady any more. They got really angry with each other and broke up.”

Example 2→ “Have you heard the news? Julie broke up with Tim!”

Example 3→ “I’m sorry to hear that their marriage broke up. I’m sure the divorce will be difficult for the children.”

22. bring/take back (separable): वापिस लौटाना.

Example 1→ “Yes, you can borrow my pen, don’t forget to bring it back to me when you’re finished.”

Example 2→ “This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it back to the library.”

23. bring off (separable): कुछ मुश्किल कार्य पूरा करना; ऐसी चीज पूरा करना जिसे लोग नामुमकिन समझते हैं.

Example 1→ “No one thought Jack could get an A in that course, but he brought it off.”

24. bring up (1. separable): mention उल्लेख (as a topic of discussion).

Example 1→ “We planned to discuss overtime pay in the meeting. Why didn’t someone bring that topic up?”

25. bring up (2. separable): उठाना, रियर.

“Lily’s parents died when she was a baby. Her grandparents brought her up.”

26. brush up on (inseparable): थोड़े समय के लिए अच्छी तरह से समीक्षा / अध्ययन करें.

Example 1→ “If you’re going to travel to Peru, you’d better brush up on your Spanish.”

27. burn down (no object): आग से नष्ट / खपत.

Note: सीधी चीज़ों के लिए - पेड़, इमारतों, आदि - केवल.

Example 1→ “Lighting struck Mr. Kennedy’s barn last night. It burned down before the fire fighters arrived.”

28. burn up (1. no object): आग से नष्ट / खपत.

Note: केवल लोगों के लिए .

Example 1→ “All of Mr. Kennedy’s hay burned up when his barn burned down.”

29. burn up (2. separable): किसी को गुस्सा दिलाना.

Example 1→ “Did you hear how rudely Fred talked to me? That really burned me up!”

30. butt in (no object): बेबदल रूप से बाधित (एक वार्तालाप, एक क्रिया).

Example 1→ “Hey, you! Don’t butt in! Wait for your turn!”

31. butter up (separable): कुछ लाभ पाने की आशा के साथ किसी को ज़्यादा प्रशंसा करना.

Example 1→ “I guess Marty really wants to be promoted. He’s been buttering his boss up all week.”

32. Call off (separable): किसी निर्धारित चीज को रद्द करना.

Example 1→ “We don’t have school today. The mayor called classes off because of the snow.”

33. call on (inseparable): कक्षा में किसी से उत्तर पूछना.

Example 1→ “I don’t know why the teacher never calls on you. You always know the answer.”

34. Calm down (with or without an object: with an object, separable): शांत / कम उत्तेजित या कम परेशान होना; किसी को शांत / कम उत्तेजित या परेशान करने में सहायता करना.

Example 1→ “Why are you so upset? Suzie didn’t intend to spill orange juice on you. Calm down!”

Example 2→ “I know Ralph is upset, but can you calm him down? He’s making so much noise that he’s irritating everyone in the office.”

35. (not) care for (1. inseparable): पसंद; चाहते हैं.

Note: This phrasal verb is usually negative, though it may be used affirmatively in questions.

Example 1→ “Would you care for something to drink? We have coffee, tea, or orange juice.”

Example 2→ “Could I have water, please? I don't care for coffee, tea, or juice.”

36. care for (2. inseparable): का ख्याल रखना; आपूर्ति की देखभाल; उपस्थित / देखिए.

Example 1→ “Amy’s father got out of the hospital last week. The family is caring for him at home.”

37. catch on (no object): किसी चीज के ज्ञान में वृद्धि या समझदारी में वृद्धि.

Example 1→ “Bill had never used a computer until he took this class, but he caught on very quickly and is now one of the best students.”

38. catch up (with) (often without an object; with an object, inseparable): पीछे रहना बंद करना.

Example 1→ “Terry stopped to rest for a few minutes. He’ll catch up / catch up with us later.”

39. check in(to) (inseparable): एक होटल, कांफ्रेंस आदि में पंजीकरण कराना; किसी को आधिकारिक तौर पर बताना कि आपचुके हैं.

Example 1→ “My plane will arrive around 5:00 PM. I should be able to check into the hotel by 6:00 or 6:30.”

Example 1→ “When you arrive at the convention, be sure to check in at the registration desk.”

40. check off (separable): यह इंगित करने के लिए एक निशान बनाएं कि सूची में कुछ पूरा हो गया है.

Example 1→ “Here are the things you need to do. Please check each one off when you’ve finished it.”

41. check out (of) (1. inseparable): छोड़ने के लिए प्रक्रियाओं का पालन करना(होटल आदि से.)

Example 1→ “Don’t forget to take your room key to the front desk when you check out (when you check out of the hotel).”

42. check out (2. separable): कुछ उधार लेने के लिए प्रक्रियाओं का पालन करना (usually for a limited period of time).

Example 1→ “I’m sorry, but you can’t take that encyclopedia home. The library won’t allow you to check reference books out.”

43. cheer up (separable): किसी को कम चिंतित /उदास महसूस करने में सहायता करें.

Example 1→ “Suzie’s brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up.”

44. chew out (separable): किसी को बुरी तरह से डाटना; धमकाना.

Example 1→ “Tom’s father was really angry when Tom didn’t come home until 3:00 AM. He chewed Tom out and then said Tom had to stay at home for two weeks.”

45. chicken out (no object): कुछ करने के लिए साहस या आत्मविश्वास खो देना - अक्सर अंतिम क्षण में.

Example 1→ “Sam said he was going to ask Leela for a date, but he chickened out.”

46. chip in (inseparable): किसी समूह द्वारा की गई कुछ चीज़ों में योगदान / दान (अक्सर पैसा).

Example 1→ “We’re going to buy a birthday cake for our boss and I’m collecting donations. Do you want to chip in?”

47. clam up (inseparable): अचानक चुप हो जाना / किसी के बारे में बात करने से इंकार कर दिया.

Example 1→ “Lila wouldn't talk about the accident. When I asked her what happened, she clammed up.”

48. come across (inseparable): अप्रत्याशित रूप प्राप्त होना.

Example 1→ “I’ve lost my extra car keys. If you come across them while your’re cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place.”

49. come down with __________ (inseparable):__________ के साथ बीमार होना.

Example 1→ “George won’t be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the weekend.”

50. come to (1. inseparable): कुल.

Example 1→ “Your charges come to Rs. 124.38. Will you pay by cheque, in cash, or with a credit card?”

51. come to (2. no object): regain consciousness (होश में आना)
Example 1→ “When I told Gina that she’d won a million dollars, she fainted. When she came to, I told her it was a joke and she almost hit me!”

52. count on (inseparable): depend on; trust that something will happen or that someone will do as expected (पर निर्भर;भरोसा है कि कुछ हो जाएगा या कोई उम्मीद के मुताबिक ऐसा करेगा)
Example 1→ “I’m counting on you to wake me up tomorrow. I know I won’t hear the alarm.”
53. cross out (separable): show that something written is wrong or unnecessary by making an X across it.(किसी लिखि हुई चीज पर X का निशाँ लगा कर उसे गलत या अनावश्यक दर्शाना)
Example 1→ “We can’t afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so I’ve crossed all the unnecessary things out.”
54. cut back (on) (often without an object; with an object, cut back on [inseparable]): use less of something.(किसी चीज का कम उपयोग करना)
Example 1→ “You drink too much coffee. You should cut back.”
Example 2→ “You should cut back on the amount of coffee that you drink.”
55. do in (1. separable): cause to become very tired.(बहुत थका हुआ होने के कारण)
Example 1→ “Those three games of tennis yesterday afternoon really did me in. I slept for ten hours after I got home.”
56. do in (2. separable): to kill; to murder.(मारने के लिए; हत्या करने के लिए)
Example 1→ “They said that the murdered man was done in between 10 and 11 o’clock last night.”
57. do over (separable): do something again.(कुछ चीज फिर से करना)
Example 1→ “Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I turned the computer off! Now I’ll have to do it over!”
58. drag on (no object): last much longer than expected or is necessary.(आवश्यकता या अपेक्षा से अधिक चलना)
Example 1→ “I thought the meeting would be a short one, but it dragged on for more than three hours.”
59. draw up (separable): create a formal document.(एक औपचारिक दस्तावेज़ बनाएं)
Example 1→ “The Ajax and Tip-Top Banks have decided to merge. Their lawyers will draw all the official documents up sometime this month.”
60. drop off (separable): deliver something; deliver someone (by giving him/her a ride).(कुछ डिलीवर करना, या किसी को डिलीवर करना (उसको लिफ्ट देना)
Example 1→ “Yes, I can take those letters to the post office. I’ll drop them off as I go home from work.”
Example 2→ “You don’t have to take a taxi. You live fairly close to me, so I’ll be happy to drop you off.”
61. drop in (on) (inseparable): visit informally (and usually without scheduling a specific time).अनौपचारिक यात्रा करना (और आम तौर पर एक विशिष्ट समय निर्धारित किए बिना)
Example 1→ “If you’re in town next month, we’d love to see you. Please try to drop in. (Please try to drop in on us.”
62. drop by (inseparable): अनौपचारिक यात्रा करना (और आम तौर पर एक विशिष्ट समय निर्धारित किए बिना).
Example 1→ “If you’re in town next month, we’d love to see you. Please try to drop by the house.”
63. drop out (of) (inseparable): stop attending / leave school or an organization.(एक स्कूल या संस्थान को छोड़ना)
Example 1→ “No, Paul isn’t at the university. He dropped out. / He dropped out of school.”
64. draw out (separable): prolong something (usually far beyond the normal limits).(किसी चीज को लंबा खीचना)(आमतौर पर सीमा से अधिक)
Example 1→ “I thought that speech would never end. The speaker could have said everything important in about five minutes, but he drew the speech out for over an hour!”
65. eat out (no object): have a meal in a restaurant.(एक होटल में खाना खाना)
Example 1→ “I’m too tired to cook tonight. Why don’t we eat out?”
66. egg on (separable): urge / encourage greatly toward doing something (usually something negative).कुछ करने के लिए काफी उत्साहित / प्रोत्साहित करें (आमतौर पर कुछ नकारात्मक)
Example 1→ “At first Bob and Chuck were just having a mild argument, but Bob’s friends egged them on until they started fighting.”
67. end up (1. no object): finally arrive at; arrive at an unexpected place. (अंत में पहुचना; एक अप्रत्याशित स्थान पर पहुचना)
Example 1→ “We got lost last night and ended up in the next town.”
68. end up (2. no object): arrive somewhere as a result or consequence.(किसी नतीजे या परिणाम के रूप में कहीं पहुचना)
Example 1→ “You’re working too hard. If you don’t take it easy, you’ll end up in the hospital!”
69. face up to (inseparable): admit to; take responsibility for.(मान लेना; जिम्मेदारी लेना)
Example 1→ “You can’t pretend that you’re doing OK in this course, Joe. Sooner or later, you’ll have to face up to the fact that you're failing it.”
70. fall through (no object): not happen.नहीं हुआ (नोट: कुछ की योजना बनाई गई थी, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं हुआ था.)
Example 1→ “We had originally intended to go to Mexico for our vacation, but our trip fell through when I got sick.”
71. fed up to (inseparable): feel strong enough or comfortable enough to do something. कुछ भी करने के लिए पर्याप्त मजबूत या आरामदायक महसूस करना
Example 1→ “I know the accident was a terrible shock. Do you feel up to talking about it?”
72. figure out (1. separable): logically find the answer to a problem; solve a problem by thinking about it carefully.(तार्किक रूप से एक समस्या का उत्तर पाएं; इसके बारे में सावधानी से सोचकर एक समस्या हल करें)
Example 1→ “For a long time I couldn’t understand the last problem, but I finally figured it out.”
73. figure out (2. separable): understand why someone behaves the way she/he does.(यह समझना की कोई व्यक्ति इस प्रकार का बर्ताव क्यूँ कर रहा है:
Example 1→ “I can’t figure Margie out. Sometimes she’s very warm and friendly and sometimes she acts as if she doesn’t know me.”
74. fill in (1. separable): add information to a form.एक फॉर्म में जानकारी जोड़ें
Example 1→ “The office needs to know your home address and phone number. Could you fill them in on this form?”
75. fill in (on) (2. separable): supply information that someone doesn’t know.ऐसी जानकारी प्रदान करना जो दूसरे व्यक्ति को पता नहीं है.
Example 1→ “I wasn’t able to attend the meeting yesterday, but I understand that it was important. Could you fill me in? / Could you fill me in on what was discussed?”
76. fill in for (inseparable): temporarily do someone else's work; temporarily substitute for another person अस्थायी रूप से किसी और का काम करना; अस्थायी रूप से दूसरे व्यक्ति के लिए विकल्प बनना
Example 1→ “Professor Newton is in the hospital and won’t be able to teach for the rest of the term. Do you know who’s going to fill in for her?”
77. fill out (1. separable): complete a form by adding required information.आवश्यक जानकारी जोड़कर एक फ़ॉर्म भरना
Example 1→ “Of course I completed my application! I filled it out and mailed it over three weeks ago!”
78. fill out (2. no object): become less thin; gain weight.कम पतला होना; वजन बढ़ना
Example 1→ “Jerry used to be really skinny, but in the last year he’s begun to fill out.”
79. find out (about) (inseparable): learn / get information (about).सीखें / जानकारी प्राप्त करें (के बारे में)
Example 1→ “I’m sorry that you didn’t know the meeting had been canceled. I didn’t find out (find out about it) myself until just a few minutes ago.”
80. get across (separable): make something understood; communicate something understandably.कुछ समझाना; स्पष्ट रूप से कुछ बात करना
Example 1→ “Alan is really intelligent but sometimes he has problems getting his ideas across.”
81. get along (with) (inseparable): have a friendly relationship (with); be friendly (toward).एक मैत्रीपूर्ण रिश्ता (के साथ); दोस्ताना होना(ओर)
Example 1→ “Why can’t you and your sister get along? Everyone else gets along with her just fine!”
82. get around (1. inseparable): avoid having to do something. किसी कार्य को करने से बचना
Example 1→ “Teresa got around the required math classes by doing well on a math proficiency test.”
83. get around (2. no object): move from place to place.एक जगह से दूसरी जगह पर जाना
Example 1→ “She doesn’t have a car. She gets around by bicycle, bus, or taxi.”
84. get around to (inseparable): do something eventually.अंततः कुछ करना
Example 1→ “I really should wash the dishes, but I don’t feel like it. Maybe I’ll get around to them tomorrow morning.”
85. get by (no object): survive, financially, in a difficult situation. एक कठिन परिस्थिति में, आर्थिक रूप से बचना,
Example 1→ “It’s going to be hard to pay the rent now that you’ve lost your job, but somehow we’ll get by.”
86. get in (1. inseparable): enter a small, closed vehicle.एक छोटे बंद वाहन के अंदर जाना
Example 1→ “I don’t know where Carole was going. She just got in her car and drove away.”
87. get in (2. no object): arrive.पहुचना
Example 1→ “Do you know what time Fred’s plane gets in?”
88. get on (inseparable): enter a large, closed vehicle.एक बड़े बंद वाहन के अंदर जाना
Example 1→ “I’m sorry, but you’re too late to say goodbye to Angela. She got on the plane about 20 minutes age.”
89. get off (1. inseparable): leave a large, closed vehicle.एक बड़े बंद वाहन से निकलना
Example 1→ “When you get off the bus, cross the street, turn right on Oak Street, and keep going until you’re at the corner of Oak and Lincoln Boulevard.”
90. get off (2. separable): be excused (for a period of time) from work, class, or other regularly scheduled activities.कार्य, कक्षा या अन्य नियमित रूप से अनुसूचित गतिविधियों से छूट दी जा सकती है (समय की अवधि के लिए)
Example 1→ “Some schools got President’s Day off but ours didn’t. We had classes as usual.”
91. get off (3. separable): make it possible for someone to avoid punishment.किसी को सजा से बचाना  
Example 1→ “Everyone knew he was guilty, but his lawyer was clever and got him off.”
92. get out of (1. inseparable): leave a small, closed vehicle.एक छोटे वाहन से बाहर आना
Example 1→ “There’s something wrong with the garage door opener. You’ll have to get out of the car and open it by hand.”
93. get out of (2. inseparable): escape having to do something. कुछ करने से बचना
Example 1→ “Lisa said she had a terrible headache and got out of giving her speech today.”
94. get over (1. no object): finish. (Note: for individual activities, not ones that happen again and again.) ख़तम करना(नोट: अलग-अलग गतिविधियों के लिए नहीं बल्कि जो बार-बार होते हैं उनके लिए) 
Example 1→ “What time do your classes get over?”
95. get over (2. inseparable): recover from an illness or painful experience.एक बीमारी या दर्दनाक अनुभव से उभारना
Example 1→ “Katy was really upset when she failed the test. She thought she would never get over feeling so stupid.”
96. get rid of (1. inseparable): dispose of; give away or throw away.बचना; दूर देना या फेंक देना
Example 1→ “That shirt is really ugly. Why don’t you get rid of it?”
97. get rid of (2. inseparable): dismiss someone; fire someone from a job; cause someone to leave. किसी को खारिज करना, किसी को नौकरी से निकालना
Example 1→ “The treasurer of the XYZ company was spending too much money so the company president got rid of him.”
98. get up (usually no object; with an object, separable): leave bed after sleeping and begin your daily activities.सोने के बाद अपने बेड से उठाना और दैनिक दिनचर्या का कार्य करना
Example 1→ “You’ll have to get up much earlier than usual tomorrow. We have to leave by no later than 6:00 AM.”
Example 2→ “I know I won’t hear the alarm tomorrow morning. Can you get me up at 6:00 AM?”
99. give up (1. separable): stop doing something (usually a habit).कुछ करना बंद करना (आमतौर पर एक आदत)
Example 1→ “He knows smoking isn’t good for his health, but he can’t give it up.”
100. give up (2. no object): decide not to try (unsuccessfully) to solve a problem.किसी समस्या को हल करने की कोशिश न करना 
Example 1→"he wasn't the kind of man to give up easily"

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