Thursday 25 May 2017

1.Cascade (verb)=अनुक्रम या लगातार चरणों में होना 
Meaning/अर्थ: To cause to occur in a sequence or successive stages
Example/उदाहरण: Here are the key features of the GST. First, it moves the tax system from production to consumption. It covers the gross domestic product (GDP) more comprehensively. Because the tax base is now a much wider set of transactions, hopefully the per capita tax incidence will be lower. Second, it eliminates a major bane of cascading, i.e. having to pay tax on tax. 

2.Quarantine (noun)=संगरोध/अस्पताल का अलग कमरा
Meaning/अर्थ: a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.
Example/उदाहरण: The  All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s resolution that those men who  pronounce triple talaq at one go will be socially boycotted  will spell  relief for women in the Muslim community (“Social boycott for triple talaq”, May 23). “Social quarantine” of such men will make them resort to  course correction and I am sure that  over a period, occurrences of triple talaq  will slowly disappear. 
3.Peremptory (adjective)=आज्ञसूचक
Meaning/अर्थ: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way.
synonyms/पर्यायवाची: brusque, imperious, high-handed, brisk, abrupt, summary, commanding, authoritative, overbearing, dogmatic, autocratic, dictatorial, bossy, domineering, arbitrary, arrogant.
Example: By his peremptory action, the Army chief has in effect rendered the CoI redundant; its findings will lack credibility. 
4.Subservient (adjective)=अधीन
Meaning/अर्थ: prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: submissive, deferential, acquiescent, compliant, accommodating, obedient, dutiful, duteous, biddable, yielding, meek, docile, ductile, pliant, passive, unassertive, spiritless
Example/उदाहरण: Traditionally, public ownership has left the carrier’s management subservient to the interests of the political class, while taxpayers funding the airline’s operations have been left holding the short end of the stick.
5.Garner (verb)=संचित करना
Meaning/अर्थ: gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: gather, collect, accumulate, amass, assemble
Example: Rouhani secured 57 per cent of the vote against the 38.5 per cent garnered by his opponent, the hardline cleric, Ebrahim Raisi, who had the backing of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. 
6.Alleviate (verb)=कम/हल्का करना
Meaning/अर्थ: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: reduce, ease, relieve, take the edge off, deaden, dull, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, allay, assuage, palliate, damp, soothe, help, soften
Example/उदाहरण: Though Raisi campaigned on a populist platform — tackling corruption, alleviating poverty, larger hand-outs for the poor — voters preferred Rouhani’s record with the nuclear deal and promise of increased engagement with the world, ensuring accountability and domestic reform, and greater personal freedoms.
7.Robust (adjective)=मजबूत
Meaning/अर्थ: strong and healthy; vigorous.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong as a horse/ox, muscular, sinewy, rugged
Example/उदाहरण: A robust economy is crucial to make good on these promises. A bigger voice for the moderates and reformists in the all-powerful Assembly of Experts would help. Iran’s partners and the world can give Rouhani a helping hand and support Iran’s political evolution.
8.Unfurl (verb)=खोलना/फैलाना
Meaning/अर्थ: make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind.
Example/उदाहरण: An impressive agenda of economic reforms and social programmes has been unfurled by the Narendra Modi government over the last three years. 
9.Compliance (noun)=अनुपालन
Meaning/अर्थ: the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
Example/उदाहरण: The media interactions after the 14th GST Council meeting in Srinagar on May 18 indicate that the government is working on developing the rules and procedures to be followed for determining compliance with the anti-profiteering clause. 
10.Modus Operandi (noun)=काम करने का ढंग/कार्यप्रणाली
Meaning/अर्थ: a particular way or method of doing something.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: method of working, method, way, MO, manner, technique, style, procedure, approach, course of action, plan of action, methodology, mode, fashion, process, means, strategy, plan, formula, recipe, practice.
Example/उदाहरण: The modus operandi — anonymous people deposited and swiftly transferred crores of rupees in the society’s accounts in the names of slum dwellers — reflects poor regulatory oversight. Multi-state cooperative credit societies, which accept deposits only from, and give loans to, members, are regulated by the central registrar under the agriculture ministry

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