1.Denunciation (noun)=निंदा/दोषारोपण
Meaning/अर्थ: public condemnation of someone or something.
Example/उदाहरण: Obviously,
U.S. President Donald Trump’s repeated denunciations of the Iran
nuclear deal could add fuel to charges by hard-liners that Mr. Rouhani
is too close to the West.
2.Vulnerability (noun)=भेद्यता/अतिसंवेदनशीलता
Meaning/अर्थ: the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
Example/उदाहरण: The
menacing spread, starting last Friday, of the malicious software
WannaCry, which has since infected thousands of computer systems in 150
countries, is a frightening reminder of the vulnerabilities of a
connected world.
3.Biblical (adjective)=बाइबिल से सम्बंधित
Meaning/अर्थ: relating to or contained in the Bible.
Example/उदाहरण: THE
earliest known description of surrogacy is an ugly biblical story: in
Genesis, the childless Sara sends her husband to bed with her
maidservant, Hagar, and takes the child as her own.
4.Impetuousness (adjective)=उग्रता/जल्दी से करना
Meaning/अर्थ: Acting or done quickly with little or inadequate thought.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची: impetuous, hasty, headlong, precipitate
Example/उदहारण: DONALD
TRUMP rules over Washington as if he were a king and the White House
his court. His displays of dominance, his need to be the centre of
attention and his impetuousness have a whiff of Henry VIII about them.
5.Orthodoxy (noun)=रूढ़िवादिता/सभी के द्वारा स्वीकृत सिधान्त
Meaning/अर्थ: authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice.
synonyms/पर्यायवाची: doctrine,
belief, conviction, creed, dogma, credo, theory, view, idea, tenet,
teaching, practice, received wisdom, article of faith.
Example/उदाहरण: Just
as dangerous, and no less important to ordinary Americans, however, is
Mr Trump’s plan for the economy. It treats orthodoxy, accuracy and
consistency as if they were simply to be negotiated away in a series of
earth-shattering deals.
6.Quibble (noun)=वक्रोक्ति/मामूली आपत्ति या आलोचना
Meaning/अर्थ: a slight objection or criticism.
minor criticism, trivial objection, trivial complaint, adverse comment,
protest, query, argument, exception, moan, grumble, grouse.
Example/उदाहरण: But
these are the quibbles of envy. I wish I had the editorial chops to
produce such an authoritative guide myself. As Evans shows, the
consequences of foggy prose can be grave, ranging from missed Social
Security benefits to tragic military accidents to the Great Recession,
which “had roots in misbegotten nomenclature.
7.Aesthetics (noun)=सौंदर्यशास्र
Meaning/अर्थ: a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.
Example/उदाहरण: "Writing
well is not a mere matter of aesthetics; it is a “moral issue.” In
fact, if I were the current occupant of the White House, I would take on
this issue by appointing Sir Harold to be our nation’s Good Writing
Tsar. Or Czar.
8.Verbiage (noun)=शब्दाडंबर
Meaning/अर्थ: excessively lengthy or technical speech or writing.
verbosity, verboseness, padding, wordiness, prolixity, prolixness,
superfluity, redundancy, long-windedness, lengthiness, protractedness,
discursiveness, expansiveness, digressiveness, convolution,
circumlocution, circuitousness, rambling, wandering.
Example/उदाहरण: Rewriting
some Clinton Global Initiative verbiage about empowering women, for
example, Evans ends up with this terse sentence: “Girls could increase
global G.D.P. by as much as 5.4 percent.
9.Euphemistic (adjective)=व्यंजनापूर्ण/कठोर बात को कोमल रीति से कहना
Meaning/अर्थ: using or of the nature of a euphemism.
polite, substitute, mild, understated, softened, indirect, neutral,
evasive, diplomatic, coded, newspeak, vague, inoffensive, genteel
Example/उदाहरण: The
fun begins to flag, however, when Evans invites us into what he calls
his “sentence clinic.” There we are suffered to see him in editorial
action, applying his surgical tools to specimens of bloated, dull,
euphemistic, incomprehensible prose: newspaper articles, academic
writing and, later, at coruscating length, the entire 2010 White House
report on the “underwear bomber” (Evans’s analysis/reworking of this
document occupies nearly 50 pages).
10.Helmsman (noun)=कर्णधार/एक व्यक्ति जो जहाज या नाव चलाने वाला है
Meaning/अर्थ: a person who steers a ship or boat.
Example/उदाहरण: Now
in his late 80s, Evans emerged from a working-class Welsh family in the
provincial north of England to make his reputation as an ambitious
young newspaperman. From 1967 to 1981 he was helmsman of The Sunday
Times of London, which he turned into a powerhouse of investigative
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