Tuesday 21 March 2017


A hollow place in a wall for a statue
किसी दीवार की ऊँची जगह पर खाली स्थान जहाँ कोई मूर्ति आदि रखी जा सके 

A system of naming things
चीजों के नामकरण की प्रक्रीया 

Home sickness or sentimental longing for the past
घर की याद आना या हमेशा बीते समय को सोचने की स्थिति 

A person with an evil reputation

5.Novice/ Tyro/Neophyte—
One who is new to a profession
जो किसी काम में नया हो इसलिए अनुभवहीन, नौसिखिया 

Subtle difference in colour, meaning etc., 
अर्थ, रंग आदि में बहुत सूक्ष्म अंतर 

To cause to feel no pain
दर्द के महसूस न करने की स्थिति 

Collection of coins
सिक्कों का संग्रह 

Excessive indulgence to self
खुद के बारे में हमेशा बड़ाई की स्थिति 

Member of a tribe that wanders from place to place


1. A hot potato -   Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually dispute
2. Ball is in your court -   It is up to you to make the next decision or step
3. Burn the midnight oil - To work late into the night,alluding to the time before electric lighting.
4. Can't judge a book by its cover - Cannot judge something primarily on appearance.
5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - Do not put all your resources in one possibility.
6. keep something at bay - Keep something away.
7. Last straw - The final problem in a series of problems.
8. Not playing with a full deck - Someone who lacks intelligence.
9. Take with a grain of salt - This means not to take what someone says too seriously.
10.Wouldn't be caught dead - Would never like to do somethin

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