Sunday 9 October 2016

rections (1-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

For a business, still in a burgeoning state of development the performance of the gem and jewelry sector in exports is gratifying. On top of an over 50 percent growth during 2004-05, these exports are poised to grow at a similar rate during the current year, if the trend in the first half of the year is an indication. Data released by the Gems and Jewelry Export Promotion Council show that Gems exports at Rs. 2,363 crores during April-September 2005 were 51 percent higher than during the corresponding period of 2004. Since there is a greater acceleration in the tempo of exports in the second half of the year, it appears that the target of gems and jewelry exports, pegged at Rs. 5,000 crores are well within reach. Even more heartening is the fact that the export flow has been broad based, though the pace has been set by better showing in both jewelry and gem exports. This successful incursion is the outcome of a conscious strategy to build export infrastructure which includes the setting up of Gems and Jewelry Export Zones, technology missions and a liberal policy under which virtually the entire industry is thrown open to foreign direct investment. Some incentives like access to domestic market for these export-oriented units, based on the net value addition, also have helped the export drive. Besides, the industry had made helped the export drive. Besides, the industry had made efforts to capture new markets, laid stress on quality of the product and became alive to customer needs.
However, in the case of jewelry exports, the actual performance is behind the potential. With its endowment in terms of jewelry designers, low costs and high productivity, India can emerge as a major force in global jewelry exports by emphasizing on customizing jewelry rather than relying on standard products. At the same time, gems exports should not suffer by default. The recent data given lie to the claim that we have a leeway in jewelry designing. Over a period, this success on global marketing of our gems should facilitate system integration, and to exports of value-added gems with jewelry. As of now, what is significant is that we have carved a small niche in the global market in an industry that is the cutting edge of designing.
Q1. Which of the following are responsible for substantial growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector?
(A) Conscious strategy to build export infrastructure
(B) Liberal policy
(C) Government subsidy
(a) All (A), (B) and (C)
(b) Only (B) and (C)
(c) Only (A) and (C)
(d) Only (A) and (B)
(e) None of these
Q2. Setting up of gems and jewelry exports zones has resulted into which of the following?
(a) Production of gems has increased
(b) Increase in gems exports
(c) Increase in jewelry exports
(d) Abundance of gems and jewelry in the domestic market
(e) None of these
Q3. Which of the following words has the SAME meaning as the word ‘heartening’ as used in the passage?
(a) Saddening
(b) Encouraging
(c) Illuminating
(d) Satisfying
(e) Worsening
Q4. Which of the following have helped in the growth of exports in gem and jewelry sector?
(A) Value addition
(B) Quality control
(C) Customer friendly
(D) Access to domestic market
(a) All (A), (B), (C) and (D)
(b) Only (A), (B) and (C)
(c) Only (B), (C) and (D)
(d) Only (A), (C) and (D)
(e) None of these
Q5. Which of the following statements is true in the context of the passage?
(a) The growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector is expected to be 100 percent during 2005-2006 to that of 2004-05.
(b) The growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector in 2005-2006 is expected to be more than that in 2004-05.
(c) The growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector is expected to be 50 percent in 2005-2006.
(d) The growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector is expected to be 25 percent in 2005-2006.
(e) None of these
Q6. Which of the following factors have not helped in the export promotion?
(A) Building an infrastructure for export
(B) Encouraging foreign direct investment
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Either (A) or (B)
(d) Both (A) and (B)
(e) None of these
Q7. How much export was realized in the first half of the year 2005-2006?
(a) Less than half the targeted amount.
(b) More than half the targeted amount.
(c) Almost half of the amount projected for the purpose.
(d) The exact amount is not mentioned.
(e) None of these
Q8. Which of the following words/group of words has the SAME meaning as the word ‘customizing’ as used in the passage?
(a) Need-based
(b) Supportive
(c) Appropriate
(d) Quality
(e) Traditional
Q9. Which of the following words has the SAME meanings as the word ‘alive’ as used in the passage?
(a) Awake
(b) Open
(c) Conducive
(d) Active
(e) Brisk
Q10. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
(a) India’s performance in exports of jewelry is better than that of gems.
(b) India’s performance in exports of gems is better than that of jewelry.
(c) India’s performance in value added exports has grown in the recent past.
(d) India has made considerable effort in exporting value added products in the international market.
(e) Performance in global marketing has helped in developing an edge in designing.
Q11. What according to the passage, is the basis for the expectation of the exports in Gem and jewelry sector reaching the targeted amount?
(a) Growth in exports in the earlier year.
(b) Domestic demand in the sector.
(c) India’s performance in jewelry designing.
(d) Trend observed during the first half of the year.
(e) None of these
Directions (12-13): Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold used in the passage.
Q12. Emerge
(a) Drawn
(b) Evolve
(c) Shine
(d) Grow
(e) Submerge

Q13. Conscious
(a) Desirable
(b) Deliberate
(c) Planned
(d) Unconscious
(e) Wanted
Directions (14-15): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
Q14. Virtually
(a) Artificially
(b) Lately
(c) Really
(d) Imaginary
(e) Realistically
Q15. Burgeoning
(a) Emerging
(b) Established
(c) Dying
(d) Sneaking
(e) Middle

S1. Ans.(d) 
Sol. Only (A) and (B)

S2. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Increase in gems exports

S3. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Encouraging.

S4. Ans.(a) 
Sol. All (A), (B), (C) and (D)

S5. Ans.(b) 
Sol. The growth in exports in gems and jewelry sector in 2005-2006 is expected to be more than that in 2004-05.

S6. Ans.(e) 
Sol. None of these

S7. Ans.(c) 
Sol. Almost half of the amount projected for the purpose.
S8. Ans.(a) 

Sol. Need-based.
S9. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Open.

S10. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  India’s performance in exports of jewelry is better than that of gems.
S11. Ans.(d) 

Sol.  Trend observed during the first half of the year.
S12. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  Grow.

S13. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Planned

S14. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  Realistically

S15. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Dying

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