Monday 13 April 2015

English Quiz

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.

These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

One of the most brutal features of gender inequality takes the form of physical violence against women. The ...(1)... of such violence is remarkably high, not only in poorer and less developed economies but also in wealthy and modern societies. Indeed the ...(2)... of battering women even in the richest and most developed economies is ...(3)... high. Turning to India, it must be ...(4)... first that the frequency of assaults on women is added the special role of violence connected with particular ...(5)... features, such as dowry and economic settlement. Even though the numbers involved deaths are ...(6)... by the larger numbers that ...(7).... from ...(8)... of healthcare, the crude and brutal nature of this form of gender inequality makes it a particularly severe ...(9).... of the deprivation of women ...(10)....

(1) Expectations
(2) Counting
(3) Incidence
(4) Acceptance
(5) Responses

(1) frequency
(2) Occurrence
(3) Event
(4) Chance
(5) Blocking

(1) Relatively
(2) Clearly
(3) Surely
(4) Undoubtedly
(5) Astonishingly

(1) Accomplished
(2) Acknowledged
(3) Cleared
(4) Understand
(5) Assured

(1) Anxiety
(2) Terrible
(3) Surprise
(4) Power
(5) Form

(1) National
(2) Visible
(3) Social
(4) Category
(5) Personal

(1) fewer
(2) Outshine
(3) Lean
(4) Dwarfed
(5) Horrible

(1) perish
(2) Develop
(3) Spoil
(4) Incline
(5) Direct

(1) Omission
(2) Attention
(3) Care
(4) Effort
(5) Neglect

(1) Remark
(2) Indication
(3) Happening
(4) Manifestation
(5) Rise

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