Wednesday 20 December 2017

Daily Vocab Capsule 20th December 2017

1. Rugged (adjective): (Strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling.) (मजबूत/सुदृढ़)
Synonyms: Robust, Sturdy, Strong, Strongly Made, Hard-Wearing, Tough, Resilient.
Antonyms: Flimsy, Weak, Fragile.
Example: Military equipments should be rugged and capable to work in variable conditions.

2. Goad (verb): Provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction. (उद्यत करनाप्रेरितकरना)  
Synonyms: Provoke, Spur, Prick, Catalyze , Prod.
Antonyms: Block, Hinder, Restrain, Constrain.
Example: The purpose of the medication is to goad the body into producing its own disease-fighting antibodies.
Verb forms: Goad, Goaded, Goaded.
Related words:
Goad (noun) - A thing that stimulates someone into action.

3. See-saw (noun): (A situation characterized by rapid, repeated changes from one state or condition to another.) (अस्थिरता/उतार-चढ़ाव)
Synonyms: Fluctuation, Vacillation, Wavering, Swinging.
Antonyms: Stability, Steadfastness.
Example: The match was called off because of the see-saw in weather pattern.

4. Lame (adjective): ((Of an explanation or excuse) unconvincingly feeble.) (असंतोषजनक/कमज़ोर)
Synonyms: Feeble, Weak, Thin, Flimsy, Unconvincing, Implausible.
Antonyms: Satisfactory, Strong, Convincing, Persuasive. 
Example: The judge was displeased with the lawyer, because he kept on interrupting the proceedings with one Lame argument after another.
Verb forms: Lame, Lamed, Lamed.
Related words:
Lame (verb) – Cripple 

5. Duff (adjective): (Of very poor quality/ of low standard or quality.) (घटिया)
Synonyms: Second-Rate, Substandard, Low-Quality, Low-Grade, Flawed, Unsound, Poor.
Antonyms: Superior, Better, First-Rate.
Example: Duff drugs are not strong enough to cure the disease.

6. Route (verb): (Send or direct along a specified course.) (भेज देना/रास्ता बताना)
Synonyms: Direct, Send, Convey, Dispatch, Forward.
Example: The little boy forgot to deliver a newspaper to one of the houses on his route, so he had to go back after supper.
Verb forms: Route, Routed, Routed.
Related words:
Route (noun) - The line of a road, path, railway, etc.
Origin: from French rute ‘road’

7. Pretext (noun): (A reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.) (बहाना)
Synonyms: Alibi, False Excuse, Ostensible Reason, Alleged Reason, Supposed Grounds
Antonyms: Reality, Truth.
Example: Ann’s pretext for being late to work involves a sick child he does not have.

8. Akin (adjective): (Of similar character.) (के समान)
Synonyms: Similar, Alike, Comparable, Same
Antonyms: Dissimilar, Unlike, Disconnected
Example: In Lisa’s mind, the death of her beloved dog was akin to the death of a dear relative.
Origin:  Contracted form of “of kin”.

9. Across the board (phrase): (Applying to all) (सभी सदस्यों को सम्मिलित करके/सभी के लिए)
Synonyms: All-embracing, All-encompassing, All-inclusive, Everything, Extensive.
Antonyms: Specific, Fractional.
Example: A law is generally applicable to across the board.

10. Dicey (adjective): (Unpredictable and potentially dangerous.) (जिस के बारे में भरोसे से कुछ कहना संभव न हो)
Synonyms: Risky, Uncertain, Unpredictable, Precarious, Unsafe, Dangerous, Perilous.
Antonyms: Certain, Safe, Sure.
Example: Starting a business alone may sometimes a dicey proposition.

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